
Hi there 👋

Glad to meet you there. This is Yuxing's blog. 👩🏻‍💻

Another name I use in social media is Thingamabob, sometimes written as Thingamab0b when the original one is occupied by other user.

My English name you may know is Lydia. It's a protagonist's name in the novel Everything I never told you. I have experience similar with that girl, but that's a long story and I don't wanna expand it there. Yh, that's basically all about my English name.

You can turn the language to English at the top right corner, but unfortunately :/ I haven't translated all the contents into English (it's a big project). So currently the only thing you could see is this page.

If you are pretty interested in these contents, try to use Google translate. 👀

Alright! Welcome to my blog :)

Contact me by


Work email: yx-yang19@mails.tsinghua.edu.cn

Personal email: yuxing_young@163.com

Gmail: lydia.yxyang@gmail.com



Note that the penultimate charater is zero (0) not o.


Save the card and scan the code



Similarly, it's zero not o.